FORCO is often times a last resort product for horse owners. We would not be in business today if our product did not work. Here are real stories from our customers.
We conducted a study tracing weights of 5 different horses on a weekly basis for two months. All the horses had gained weight and had improved body conditions. Using this fabulous product has allowed us to maintain optimum health and nutrition for all of our horses. Results can be noticed almost immediately. Our horses gain weight quickly and develop shiny healthy coats.
During our first year with Forco we have only had one instance of colic. This is an incredible statistic, considering we have an average of forty horses on our farm, some with extreme medical conditions. Our sincere gratitude goes out to Forco and Forco Feed Supplement.”
-Rachel Tanguy, Executive Director of Colorado Horse Rescue

“Trax has had awesome results being on FORCO. He will never go without it. We have been trying with no long term results to get weight on him. Shots to help his appetite, different weight supplements, different feed etc etc. nothing worked for long or didn’t work at all. Ever since being FORCO he loves his food and evendrinks better now. He is nervous by nature but has become less nervous. He also was colicing pretty regular since the beginning of the year…he has not coliced once since starting FORCO. He had a tendency to abscess every so often and his last abscess was almost a week after being on FORCO. All of mine are now on this amazing supplement. The bottom picture is before he went to the trainer for 30 days. He actually managed to keep his weight up while gone. Never went off feed or water like he has done previously when put in a new environment”
– Melisa C.